Hi guys
Well we went to another awesome school today and we saw some children making movies using a green screen. Just like how you put your plasticine models onto a background, they filmed themselves and put in a fake background. There is a new plug in for iMovie that I have to get but then we will have a go at it!
I also learnt from some children how to use photoshop elements and this is an awesome programme that we need to get. I have also set us up with some email buddies from Fendalton school in Christchurch so when I get back we will start emailing them. And if we can get an iSite camera we could have some virtual chats with them over the internet! Cool.
Keep working hard!
Mrs N
Hi Mrs N
How are things going? We are working hard to finsh our digatal story books and our rock projects. We have been to regan's Party and it was fun. I have sent you 2 e-mails with homework attached. we are going to Long beach for the weekend till Monday. See you on Tuesday.
From Jade
Hello Mrs N
It would be so fun if you were here and teach those computer staffs.
Hi Mrs N
I havent been emiling homework because I have lots to do.
hi mrs n
i c it is goin good we are all bein good for mrs grey i hope u r havin a good time and hav got some grate time me and my family are goin to kakanioe at 12 my group is finished r rock stude
Hi Mrs N
I have finished my christmas and i have noting to do
P.S I want more home work.
Mrs N
Rachel, Ben and i have filmed our rockstudy and all we need to do is put it together on i movie.
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