Hi Guys
Today we went to two schools, one of the schools had a laptop for every kid! They have set up a recording studio off one of the classrooms and i thought we could do that in the room 5 resource room. I also saw an animation station set up in the corner of the room where kids were doing all sorts of animation, I will definitely set that up when I get back. We saw two Kapa Haka groups which was awesome and we have even more great ideas.
Why are you all asking me for more homework? You are all so amazing. Why don't you draft a homework sheet for me while I'm away and I will put them all together for you and you can take each other's homework sheets home. I hope you are having a good time with Miss Gray and making me proud.
Blog U 2morrow
Mrs Nicholls
I have lots of great ideas to use in room one with cameras and computers. I met some really nice kids and one little girl said, "Hi Mel" when i met her. I am pleased you are doing lots of push play Tamatea, well done for looking after Amber Caitlyn and great colouring in Mia.
Talk to you tomorrow
Mrs Jewiss
Hi mrs N
I Can't belive 1 school has a laptop for every kid! How many kids have they got in school? It is rainy here. What is it like where you are? i am looking forward to all the new ideas you have and also to the great stuff we will do. Most people have finshed their digtal story books.
From Jade
Hi mrs N
I Can't belive 1 school has a laptop for every kid! How many kids have they got in school? It is rainy here. What is it like where you are? i am looking forward to all the new ideas you have and also to the great stuff we will do. Most people have finshed their digtal story books.
From Jade
Hi it's been a great week and tomorrow is a blue and gold day.
Hi Mrs Nicholls how are you what are the names of the schools you are going and been to?.
from Courtney
To Mrs Nicholls I hope you get a lap top for everyone in the class
Blog you tomorrow
Hi Mrs N hope you are haveing an ausome time can you get room5 a laptop each
hi mrs N zoe here how is it goin can u get R5 a laptop each. tommorrow is blue and gold day so we all have to put blue and gold on we're doin this to saport otargo
I will blog u 2morro p.s see u on friday
dude! are you serious?
dude! are you serious?
deax hkvkcdhnc
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