Friday, April 11, 2008

Quarantine Island 2008

On the 3rd of March Room 5, Pine Hill School, Dunedin went to camp at Quarantine Island. Our theme at camp was Quarantine Treasure Island. Quarantine Island is really called St Martins Island. We did a lot of stuff on the 2nd day. Just after lunch we went for an island walk and there was a good view. The crew names were Black Pearl Pirates, The Mean Spotty Crew, The Royal Puppies and the last crew was Golden Skulls. Each crew got a bandanna. I was in the Black Pearl Pirates. On the walk first we went past the Chapel. The Chapel is like a little church. You go up a hill and then go along on the flat. Room 5 went to try to find a geocache because Mrs Jewiss has a GPS which can help you find the geocache. We found the geocache and we traded a bandanna for a beanie and we gave the beanie to Maisy our mascot. We went around through the little paths and you could see a good view. Some of us were taking photos. We saw heaps of different types of trees. We stopped where we saw a good view and Mrs Jewiss gave everyone an apple and some adults took a photo. Then we kept walking. We went to the cemetery where there are 72 people buried. There was a family that died of diseases. After that we went to a place where we had a good view and we drew a picture and painted it. Then we waited for it to dry. Some people went back with some adults and the others stayed with Ms Taylor and Mrs Jewiss, our teachers. We went back after the paintings were dried and we played 123 home. We got to the island on a boat. This year’s camp was awesome. I had so much fun.

By Latesha


Room 9 @ Pt England School said...

Hi Room 5,
It sounds and looks like your camp was an amazing event. Our seniors in the first term have camp here at school. Then the Year 6 children went away for their camp a few weeks ago at Kawau Island. This is their blog site

Point England School, Room 10

Mrs. Felter said...

I all ways wanted to visit a island it sounds awsome visit us on

Griseld and Mario

Room 2 said...

I haven't been to Quarantine Island before. Is it cool.

Room 2 said...

Cool Ive been there millions of times. Its really cool there because there is so much to do like make wooden rafts and explore the island.