On Monday the 5th of March 2007 Room 5 of Pine Hill School, Dunedin New Zealand went on school camp.
We went to Camp Sutton for school camp, near Middlemarch in Central Otago. The theme for our camp was Survivor Sutton 07.
On Thursday night a tribal council meeting was held. A tribal council meeting is when the camp adults vote someone off the camp. Most adult’s voted Adrian off because he burnt the toast and had smelly feet. Debbie didn’t like his legs. Mrs Ritchie voted for Mrs Jewiss to go away from Camp Sutton. Adrian was voted off and he was really sad when he left.
On Thursday night we also had a concert. Mrs Jewiss gave Mrs Ritchie a make over because Mrs Ritchie voted for Mrs Jewiss to go away from Camp Sutton, so Mrs Jewiss was doing pay back. Mrs Jewiss put mousse and gel in Mrs Ritchie’s hair and dark eye shadow on her eyes and brushed her hair with a hearth brush and brushed her teeth. She looked funny. At the concert there was also acting, singing, dancing, mirror miming and puppets. It was really fun that night.
By Mikayla and Karen
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